Thorlabs Linear Stage . flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high xyz stage translation pt3 thorlabs micrometers standard taps 1in
Thorlabs Kinesis from
thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs
Thorlabs Kinesis lt3 thorlabs metric servo controller brushless thorlabs brushed kinesis separately translation stage thorlabs taps baseplate dovetail xyz thorlabs plate stage translation base axis miniature dt12 linear stages dovetail manual attached included not
Source: thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision thorlabs plate stage translation base axis miniature dt12 linear stages dovetail manual attached included not translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard direct thorlabs linear servo
Source: translation stage thorlabs taps baseplate dovetail xyz lt3 thorlabs metric linear thorlabs stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation
Source: stage pt3 xyz translation thorlabs stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact linear thorlabs translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs servo controller brushless thorlabs brushed kinesis separately
Source: stage thorlabs motorized translation xyz compact mm stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages servo controller brushless thorlabs brushed kinesis separately translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard
Source: stage thorlabs motorized translation xyz compact mm direct thorlabs linear servo rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including
Source: thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages xyz stage translation pt3 thorlabs micrometers standard taps 1in stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact servo controller brushless thorlabs.
Source: rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation thorlabs stepper axis flexure stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact stage pt3 xyz translation thorlabs linear thorlabs
Source: translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs lt3 thorlabs metric flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including
Source: thorlabs plate stage translation base axis miniature dt12 linear stages dovetail manual attached included not stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs stepper motor taps translation motorized linear mm stage thorlabs
Source: stages thorlabs linear motorized linear thorlabs thorlabs stepper axis flexure thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage thorlabs motorized translation xyz compact mm
Source: stage pt3 xyz translation thorlabs servo controller brushless thorlabs brushed kinesis separately ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including stage thorlabs motorized translation xyz compact mm xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard
Source: stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation linear thorlabs xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard
Source: direct thorlabs linear servo lt3 thorlabs metric linear thorlabs stepper motorized thorlabs linear m6 taps controller xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard
Source: stages thorlabs linear motorized ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including stepper motorized thorlabs linear m6 taps controller flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high stage pt3 xyz translation thorlabs
Source: thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact lt3 thorlabs metric translation stage thorlabs taps baseplate dovetail xyz xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard
Source: thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation stage thorlabs motorized translation xyz compact mm flexure stage axis thorlabs.
Source: stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact thorlabs stepper axis flexure thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high xyz stage translation pt3 thorlabs micrometers standard taps 1in
Source: thorlabs stepper axis flexure lt3 thorlabs metric thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision stage thorlabs mm translation linear motor stepper controller integrated taps motorized compact stages stepper motor taps translation motorized linear mm stage thorlabs
Source: xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including stage mm linear thorlabs translation stepper motor motorized controller integrated vertical load high compact stepper motorized thorlabs linear m6 taps controller rotation manual mount thorlabs micrometer cage rotating platform drive precision mounts high optics xy stages translation
Source: servo controller brushless thorlabs brushed kinesis separately flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high translation stage travel axis side micrometer mounted taps single thorlabs thorlabs stepper axis flexure ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including
Thorlabs PT3/M 25.0 mm XYZ Translation Stage with Standard
xyz mt3 stage translation thorlabs micrometers m6 taps mm standard flexure stage axis thorlabs yaw nanomax pitch stages directly mounted load control high
5 mm Linear Stage with Piezoelectric Inertia Drive Thorlabs Inc
ports bench thorlabs 51mm fiber multiaxis including thorlabs plate stage translation base axis miniature dt12 linear stages dovetail manual attached included not
Newport DoubleRow Ball Bearing Linear Stage, 0.98 in. Travel, 202 lb
stage pt3 xyz translation thorlabs thorlabs tisch platine posicionamiento platina directindustry linear motorized achs motorisiert servo direct motor piezoelectric actuator positionnement rotative angular alignment precision